Posted By ZaynBee
Most my life as a teen i was very skinny (the eat anything and not gain weight skinny) and suffered really extreme headaches to the point i would get home and close the blinds and lay on the couch kinda headaches i had them for about 5 years straight i had seen maybe 4 different doctors which none of them helped but instead gave me painkillers and sent me home.
i was now 18 and weighed 48 kgs or roughly 108 pounds and still having server headaches so i went and seen the new doctor in town as it was a small town we got new doctors sometimes he had suggested maybe getting a ct scan which scared the shit out of my mum but i didn’t really know what that meant or what to expect so we fly to the city which is a 18 hour drive or 1 ish hour flight.
so we get to the ct scan (fucking loud ass machine) we then met with a doctor he said that i had a growth in my brain which made my mum start to cry and i kinda just sat and didn’t really say anything and the doctor started making phone calls to surgeon’s which upset my mum even more, Fast forward maybe two weeks it was no longer referred to as a growth but after another ct they said the type of tumor was none cancerous which was amazing news probably the best news we had but it was a pituitary gland brain tumor which wasn’t good, the pituitary gland controls a lot of hormones and other important things in the body.
so im getting ready to have surgery and im not really nervous more kinda excited to get it out but of course things could go wrong the pituitary gland is also attached to the optic nerve which is connected to my eyes so it turned out i had lost part of my eyesight over the past few years but its so slow i didnt actually notice.
So the old way they would do this surgery they would crack open the skull and do it that way but they had a new way of doing this surgery which is to go through the nasal cavity up to the skull drill a hole through the skull remove the tumor and then would take a skin graft and some tissue and cartilage from inside the nose and would make a wall to cover up the hole and because of the new way they do this they have a higher chance of removing all of the tumor not having to go back and remove more, there was always a chance because of where mine was that obviously i could receive brain damage or go blind or worse case die.
when i woke up (i was so fucking high on morphine) i was seeing triple everything because my optic nerve had been stretched from the tumor and i had tubes everywhere but i could see my parents next to me and some doctors anyway i pass out. a week goes by after coming in and out of my high morphine ass and i get moved into a ward block with my own room which is like first class compared to the ICU (emergency care unit) and i sleep and watch tv for a another week with my triple vision which was horrible but eventually started to subside and my vision came back but my peripherals never came back which was in 2015 and i still haven’t got it back to this day but i didn’t suffer any brain damage but i did have really bad damage to my pituitary gland which could be fixed with meds that i still take and probably will for the rest of my life, im all good now i take meds but im healthy gained a bunch of weight so i wasn’t very skinny anymore and didn’t have anymore headaches was a weird time in my life because i had a lot of anxiety and was depressed for a few years but i eventually got to a point where i wasn’t so sad but still had a lot of anxiety every time i get a headache or something doesn’t feel right but im getting better at dealing with it. if you read all of this thanks this is the first time i’v written about this online but im bored so here it is hope you liked it 🙂
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